Key projects to speed up growth
In June, the Board of Directors of the Port of Helsinki approved a new strategy for the coming years, with sights set on growth. The vision was set ambitiously as ‘The most functional port in the world’. The company’s mission was also specified: ‘We create mobility and value. Sustainably.’
The six key projects for the coming years are:
- Outstanding City – Port functionality
- Seamless passenger experience
- Enthusiastic and skilled workers
- Profitable growth
- Efficient port operations
- Pioneer of sustainable development
The Port of Helsinki will focus more closely on the development of the passenger experience and digital services. Cost-efficiency, efficient operations, and streamlined traffic arrangements and logistics will play a key role. Sustainable development will also be highlighted. The planning and systematic advancement of the key projects were started immediately after the summer.
The organisation and management of the Port of Helsinki were also modified to correspond with the objectives of the new strategy. It was decided that the mooring operations would be separated into a subsidiary company from the start of 2019 onwards. Human resources management was strengthened, so that the operators of the vision and the key projects would have an even better foundation for their work.