Enthusiastic and skilled emlopyees

The company’s new strategy brought new focuses to the Port’s management and organisation. It was decided that the mooring operations would be separated into a subsidiary company. At the end of 2018, the Port of Helsinki had 155 employees in total, 125 of whom were permanent employees, which was three per cent less than the previous year.

  • The number of person years worked was 151 (2017: 158).
  • Of the permanent employees, 22% were women and 78% were men.
  • The average age of the entire personnel was 45 years.
  • The average length of permanent employment contracts was 17 years.

The company’s new CEO, Ville Haapasaari, took up his position at the start of April. Under his leadership, the Port’s organisational structure was modified to correspond with the focuses of the new strategy approved in the summer. From the beginning of December, the company was organised into business units divided into passengers and cargo instead of the geographical model. Passenger Services was taken over on 1 December by Sari Nevanlinna. The overall responsibility for Cargo was assumed by Jukka Kallio.

When Technical Services Director Timo Laitinen retired in November, the position was taken over by Kari Noroviita. Pekka Meronen continued as the director responsible for finances and ICT, among other things. The importance of developing human resources management was highlighted by separating HR into its own unit, and Anu Ennelin became the director of the unit from 1 January 2019 onwards.

Separate subsidiary for terminal workers

At the end of the autumn, the Port of Helsinki decided to separate the mooring business into a subsidiary company under its ownership. A total of 64 employees transferred as old employees to South Finland Port Service Ltd from 1 January 2019 onwards. The reason for the incorporation was the EU’s Port Services Regulation, which comes into force on 24 March 2019 and requires opening up certain port services for competition.

Main themes of trust and responsibility

The employees’ training was focused during 2018 on further vocational training in different fields, as well as training in safety, leadership and cooperation skills. All employees took part in work community training with the main themes of trust and responsibility. The skills needs of the HelSa personnel were mapped, and training is being planned based on these needs, for example.

The total number of personnel training days was 330, and just a little under 63,000 euros was invested in it.

Development programme to steer occupational safety in the right direction

Many efforts were made to improve occupational safety in 2018, and employees were encouraged to submit notifications of near misses and dangerous situations. Both supervisors and the entire personnel received occupational safety training.

Nevertheless, the Port’s employees had nine occupational accidents leading to an absence of at least one day, three of which occurred during work-related travel. The frequency of occupational accidents* for the entire year was regrettably 36 (8 in 2017). Common reasons were incorrect working methods, slippery conditions during winter and accidents occurring during work-related travel.

Due to the undesirable development, a development programme for occupational safety was created at the end of the year, which will be implemented in the Port of Helsinki during 2019. The goal was set as zero occupational accidents.

Workplace well-being remained good

The annual workplace well-being survey mapped the personnel’s satisfaction with various elements of workplace well-being. The results showed a slight decline, but remained at a good level, similarly to the previous year. The average was a good 3.76 on a scale from 1 to 5.

* Frequency of occupational accidents: The number of occupational accidents that have led to at least one-day sick leave per one million working hours.

Personnel 31. December 2018 *

Regular Temporary Total
CEO 1 1
Passenger Harbour 50 20 70
Vuosaari Harbour 14 7 21
Marketing and Communications 5 5
Administration and Finances 22 1 23
Technical Services 33 2 35
Total 125 30 155

* organization structure as in the beginning of year 2018